Vaccine 2025 | Vaccine and Clinical Trial Conference| Vaccine & Clinical Trial 2025| Vancouver | Canada

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Renowned Speakers

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Kei Amemiya

US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases USA

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Hongbin Wang

California Northstate University, USA USA

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Yavuz S. Silay

MaQasid Angel Investors Network Turkey, Turkey Turkey

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Jessica Dangles

Executive Director, Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology , USA USA

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Michael Andreini

President, CEO Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation USA

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Lisa Alderson

Co-Founder, CEO Genome Medical USA

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Carlos Alberto Guzman

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Germany Germany

Vaccines, Vaccine development, Vaccine safety, Vaccine efficacy, Vaccine types, mRNA vaccines, Vaccine research
Vaccine trials, Vaccine approval process, Immunization Clinical trials
Clinical trial phases,Phase 1 clinical trial,Phase 2 clinical trial
Phase 3 clinical trial,Phase 4 clinical trial,Randomized controlled trials,Clinical trial research

Edward Abrahams

Ph.D. President Personalized Medicine Coalition USA

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Vaccines Congress-2025

About Conference

37th Annual Congress on Vaccine and Clinical Trials” during October 06-07, 2025 in Vancouver, Canada


Conference Series LLC LTD warmly welcomes you to the “37th Annual Congress on Vaccine and Clinical Trials” during October 06-07, 2025 in Vancouver, Canada. Where in most distinguished line up of eminent keynote speakers from around the globe will lead a dynamic scientific program of plenary sessions, symposia and hands-on workshops to share their expertise with our audience.

Advancing Vaccine Innovation: Bridging Research, Development, and Global Health " is the driving theme of the Vaccines Congress-2025, which will most definitely be reflected in the conference program, where we expect a remarkable turnout of world-renowned speakers.

Vaccines Congress-2025 will deliver new ideas, convictions, strategies and tactics to excel in the field of Vaccine and Clinical Trial. Vaccines Congress-2025 will offer an impressive roaster of keynote speakers, quality attendees, compelling content and concise reviews of the latest clinical advancements and guidance relating to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases including the use of new techniques.

Attendees at Vaccines Congress-2025 will have unique opportunity to meet with leaders of the Vaccine and Clinical Research profession from around the globe to discuss all of the scientific and technical breakthroughs that are changing the landscape of Clinical Research and fulfil their continuing education and professional development requirements.

Why to attend?

Vaccines Congress-2025 will be an excellent learning, sharing and networking platform for Immunologists and Virologists, Pharmaceutical Executives and Vaccine Manufacturers, Clinical Research Scientists and Clinical Trial Managers, Regulatory Affairs Professionals, Epidemiologists and Infectious Disease Specialists, Biotech Innovators and Entrepreneurs, Medical Doctors and Healthcare Providers, Academics and Research Professors, Global Health and NGO Representatives, Patients and Patient Advocacy Groups, Medical Journalists and Health Communicators, Funding Agencies and Investors, Clinical Trial Participants and Volunteers and of course the most important Students, our future. from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. It will provide continuing education opportunities as well as world-class scientific content delivered by quality keynote speakers, with plenary sessions, symposia, hands-on workshops, and exhibition. Conference Series LLC Ltd organizes a conference series LLC Ltd of 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 300+Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more Scientific Societies and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

What’s New?
Vaccines Congress-2025 includes international attendee workshops, lectures, and symposia, including a designated registration area, a refreshment break, and gala lunch. Vaccine and Clinical Researcher can join the Conference series LLC Ltd as an international member to receive discounts on registration. So come and join leading experts and allied professionals from October 06-07, 2025 in Vancouver, Canada to keep up with the rapidly accelerating pace of change that is already having an impact on the field of Clinical Research and will continue to in the future.

Potential Participants

Vaccines Congress-2025  invites participants from all leading clinics, universities, clinical research institutions and Vaccine production companies to share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding stream and thereby, providing a showcase of the latest research and provide a better health care to the world. It is also designed for practicing Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Research Associate, Physicians in training and other healthcare professionals interested in the latest advances and techniques in the field.

Abstract submission:
Abstracts should contain 250-300 words and can submit online. Speakers can choose the topic from our scientific sessions or any research work in the related field. Abstracts will be published in our peer reviewed journals.                             



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 06-07, 2025

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Clinical Research Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology Immunochemistry & Immunopathology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by